Murka from Odessa. Symphonic Adventure (Муркино Симфоническое Приключение) played by Sergeyenya/Katz
Music by Alexey Shor and Oran Eldor. Piano part, as performed here, includes improvisations and cadenzas by Timur Sergeyenia.
Mузыка: Алексей Шор и Оран Елдор. Фортепианная партия включает импровизации и каденции Тимура Сергеени.
Performed by Timur Sergeyenia, piano, and Misha Katz, conductor, with Slovak Sinfonietta orchestra.
Исполняют пианист Тимур Сергееня и дирижёр Миша Кац с оркестром “Slovak Sinfonietta“.
This piece is part of a “Well-Tempered Chanson“ (“Хорошо-темперированный шансон“) cycle.
Here is the original Murka song:
Alexey Shor can be contacted at alexeyshor@.
Information on future video releases featuring Alexey Shor’s music can be found at or on his YouTube channel.
For information about Oran Eldor, please visit