Gaudete (1581) Anonymous Bremerton WestSound Symphony and Chorale
Gaudete is a sacred Christmas carol, thought to have been composed in the 16th century. It was published in Piae Cantiones, a collection of Finnish/Swedish sacred songs from 1581.
Bremerton WestSound Symphony and Chorale
This performance was inspired by Dr. Mark Herring of Eugene, Oregon.
Latin English
Gaudete, gaudete! Rejoice, rejoice!
Christus est natus Christ is born
Ex Maria virgine, Of the Virgin Mary –
gaudete! Rejoice!
Tempus adest gratiæ
Hoc quod optabamus,
Carmina lætitiæ
Devote reddamus.
The time of grace has come—
What we have wished for;
Songs of joy
Let us give back faithfully.
Deus homo factus est
Natura mirante,
Mundus renovatus est
A Christo regnante.
God has become man,
With nature marveling,
The world has been renewed
By the reigning Christ.
Ezechielis porta
Clausa pertransitur,
Unde lux est orta
Salus invenitur.
The closed gate of Ezekiel
Is passed through,
Whence the light is risen;
Salvation has been found.
Ergo nostra contio
Psallat iam in lustro;
Benedicat Domino:
Salus Regi nostro.
Therefore, let our assembly
Now sing in brightness
Let it bless the Lord:
Salvation to our Kin
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Gaudete (1581) Anonymous Bremerton WestSound Symphony and Chorale