[M/V] Ashmute (애쉬뮤트) - Beautiful Sunrise

Artist : Ashmute (애쉬뮤트) Album Title : Beautiful Sunrise Release Date : Genre : Electronic ■ Mirrorball Music Time passes by the same for everyone, but it’s about the emotion that differentiates each time. On the other hand, it leaves a contrasting feeling of wanting to pause it because it’s just too sad to part. In this album, you can listen to Ashmute’s two new titles “Beautiful Sunrise“ and “Last Dance“. Both songs are comprised of a soft melody mixed with a uniquely calm and soothing voice. - 누구에게나 똑같이 흐르는 시간 속에 담긴 아름답고도 시린 마음들에 대한 이야기.
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