Kendama Edmonton Miniedit 9

Watch in HD!!! This edit took way too damn long to get out. Our apologies. Tried to involve more of the community with this one, and mix in some creative tricks as well as some bangers. Hope you all like it. Check out Kendama Edmonton and Terra Kendamas on facebook! Songs: (in order of appearance) Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites Architecture in Helsinki - Heart it Races Kormac - Studio Sorcery Here’s a quick tip: when using final cut pro make sure that the first file you import and add to the timeline is a video in the format that you’re going to export the video in. Cause if it’s a picture from your iphone then every time you export the movie it’s going to be all blurry and you will get very mad and eventually have to re-edit the whole god damn thing from scratch.
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