Are you familiar with the myth of the cave () by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato? If you are a curious person interested in understanding how the world works, you should not miss it! This myth was invented 2,500 years ago, but it is incredibly topical. It has to do with spiritual enlightenment and beyond…
Read the sentences below and select the ones you agree with and that you think make the most sense.
Philosophy is a waste of time!
Television is essential for staying informed
Constantly asking yourself questions is harmful
Reality is clear, there is no conspiracy or deception
If something is hard to understand, it is not for me
Institutions work for our good and deserve utmost trust
Determine the number of selected boxes and examine the resulting profile.
0: You escaped from the cave
1-2: You are almost out of the cave
3-4: You live in the cave but at times you find it uncomfortable
5-6: You live in the cave and you like it very much
Explanation of sentences
Philosophy is a waste of time!
Agreeing with this statement suggests a rejection of deeper inquiry into existence and meaning. It reflects a mindset that prioritizes immediate gratification or practical concerns over philosophical exploration.
Television is essential for staying informed
This viewpoint indicates reliance on mainstream media for information. If one believes television provides all necessary knowledge without questioning its sources or biases, it mirrors the prisoners’ acceptance of shadows as truth.
Constantly asking yourself questions is harmful
This belief discourages critical thinking and self-reflection. It aligns with remaining comfortable within the confines of one’s own beliefs rather than seeking deeper truths.
Reality is clear; there is no conspiracy or deception
Accepting this notion implies trust in surface-level appearances without questioning underlying motives or complexities—much like how cave dwellers perceive only shadows.
If something is hard to understand, it is not for me
This attitude reflects an aversion to challenging ideas or concepts that require effort to comprehend, favoring simplicity over depth—akin to preferring shadows over reality.
Institutions work for our good and deserve utmost trust
Trusting institutions without scrutiny can signify complacency and acceptance of established narratives without critical examination—similar to how prisoners accept their limited view as complete truth.