Zakharchenko: “We will not give a square of our land to anybody“ - The Head of DPR

The Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, has made once more clear in his latest statement, that DPR has its own land, and nobody should even dream to get even a square foot of it. “Our border is our border, and we won’t give even a square foot of our land to anybody. Here will appear neither stationary points, nor infrared radiators in pilotless devices, nor uncoordinated flights of these pilotless devices. Don’t they even dream of it!“, Zakharchenko said and continued, “I already fear for the mental health of Europe in general.“ After the latest Normandy-meeting (Russia-France-Germany-Ukraine) past week, raised concerns and questions about possible armed OSCE police mission in Donbass, and Ukrainian president Poroshenko even announced, that Kiev demands parts of the Donbass People’s Republics to be given to Ukraine, like the city of Debaltsevo, which was liberated in January-February 2015 from Ukrainian nationalist forces. DONi News Agency
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