Cossack vs. Knight / Kozák v. Rytier (epic fight no. 1)
Not every day there is a chance for Knight to compare his skills with Cossack. Historically, was it even possible that these fights were happening? Some conscious experts are thinking, indeed, that though it was not on a regular basis, some fights between knights and cossacks really happened.
This video is the vivid reminder of such epic – and sometimes bloody – encounters.
Performers are 2 curious trainers / athletes with stunningly wild nature.
Nie každý deň sa naskytne príležitosť rytierovi, aby si zmeral sily s kozákom. Mohli sa tieto dve podozrivé entity kedysi v minulosti stretnúť v ozajstnom boji? Nuž, niekoľko uvedomelých znalcov histórie sa nazdáva, že hoci sa to nedialo často, niekoľko stretov medzi rytiermi a kozákmi sa odohralo.
tréner Marek,
tréner Divoch.
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