UnoTheActivist-Weak Hoes (slowed + reverb)(432Hz)

432 Hz is an alternate tuning system for musical instruments, which is slightly lower than the international standard of 440 Hz tuning. 432 Hz/440 Hz refer to the tuning of the A note above Middle C. In the case of 432 Hz, the main argument supporting this is that the 8 musical octaves of C would come up to being even integers or whole numbers. For instance, the C1 frequency would be 32 Hz, C2 64 Hz, C3 63 Hz, and so on. In the A440 system, they come up to some very uneven numbers. But does that really make any difference? Why 432hz? A = 432hz is the natural tuning for music. It is in tune with Earth’s vibration of ~8hz. It is in tune with your body too. Listening to the 432hz tone promotes a higher vibration which leads to a healthier mind and increased feelings of well-being. Fact: Most of today’s music is at 440hz which causes anxiety, energetic tension and stress! Try to notice it yourself next time. ▲Like and Subscribe for more remixes in the future, feel free to co
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