The Curbstomp Song

Do you want to grab a copy for your own use? Check out The Curbstomp song with updated audio quality as well as a Kareoke version in my compendium on Bandcamp: *** For those of you dropping in from TVtropes, allow me to be the first to apologize for my less than spectacular singing skills. However, if you wish to check out some other tracks that don’t involve as much of my annoying voice, be sure to skim through my channel a bit. If you look, you’ll also find ’The Curb Stomp Song: Kareoke Edition’ available at no extra charge. Now back to your regularly schedules program: Back by Popular Demand... (Er... right.) It’s: The Curbstomp Song. While I am not the best of singers, I promise at least a mind numbingly silly performance. Lyrics: Up in space, their ships go BOOM! In a pyrotechnic doom. On the ground, no hope is found As they die in burning mounds. Lacking tech, like
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