Spyro and Cynder - Jai Ho!

Ezt a videót a kedves látogatóimnak készítettem. :) El sem hiszem, hogy kész vagyok vele! :D Dalszöveg / Lyrics Jai Ho(2x) I got (I got) shivers (shivers), When you touch The Light, I’ll make you hot, Get all you got, I’ll make you wanna say (Jai Ho) Jai Ho (2x) I got (I got) fever (fever), Running like a fire, For you I will go all the way, I wanna take you higher (Jai Ho) I keep it steady uh-steady, That’s how I do it. Jai Ho This beat is heavy, so heavy, You gonna feel it. (Jai Ho) You are the reason that I breathe, (Jai Ho) You are the reason that I still believe, (Jai Ho) You are my destiny, Jai Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh! Jai Ho No there is nothing that can stop us, Nothing can ever come between us, So come and dance with me, Jai Ho! (oohh) Catch me, catch me, catch me, c’mon, catch me, I want you now, I know you can
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