re-uploaded with generous permission of mobile 1 music
Composed by: Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
Produced by: Yochi Briskman
Audio mixed by: Chaim Gottesman
Video Directed and Edited by:
Duvie Maryles | Revive Multimedia
Show us its (the Temple) rebuilding
and gladden us in its perfection !
Restore the Priests to their service
and the Levites to their song and music!
and restore Yisrael to their dwellings!
And there we will ascend and appear and prostrate ourselves before You…“
Rebuild Your House and we will start...
Transliteration | ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ
Ve’hareinu Ve’hareinu
..., be’vinyano.
ve’samcheinu ve’samcheinu be’sikkuno;
ve’hasheiv Kohanim la’avodasam,
u’Levi’im le’shiram u’le’zimram,
ve’hasheiv Yisrael linveihem.
Translated by Moadim Ministries | we keep the Torah
All glory belongs to Hashem!Show more