Giuseppe Verdi-Rodrigo’s scene and aria from “Don Carlo“ (italian subtitles)

Павел Напалков-баритон.Pavel Napalkov-baritone. Ирина Григорьева-фортепиано.Irina Grigorieva-piano. Carlos, it is I. You will get out of this dire place. With what tender pride I hold you to my breast! I have saved you! We must take our leave! Yes, Carlos! This is for me the supreme day, let us say a solemn farewell; God permits us still to love one another near him, when we are in heaven. In your tear-filled eyes why this mute terror? Why are you sad? Death has charms, o my Carlos, for him who dies for you! Listen, Carlos … Your mother expects you tomorrow at San Yuste; she knows all! … Ah! The world slips away from me … O Carlos! Your hand … Ah! I die with a happy soul, since you are alive, saved by me … Ah! I see a happy Spain! Farewell! Carlos, ah! Remember! Remember, Carlos! Yes, you must reign, and I must die for you! Ah! I die with a happy soul, since
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