The Vue-niverse of SEO: Uncovering the Secrets - Live 2023
Alexander Lichter presented this talk at Live 2023 in London: “This talk will look at the evolution of web rendering modes and what the Jamstack movement is all about. We will build a demo project to show how a static site generator and a Headless CMS can be combined to create dynamic and engaging stories while maintaining a static site’s performance and scalability benefits. You will learn about the advantages and limitations of each rendering mode and gain a deeper understanding of how to use Jamstack to build powerful and dynamic storytelling experiences.“
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0:00 Intro
1:50 What is SEO?
2:41 When do I need SEO?
3:28 SEO Galaxies
6:05 Crawling Caveats
7:49 SPA Caveats
9:20 What else if not CSR?
10:46 What we need to achieve good SEO!
21:14 Demo of Meta tags in Nuxt
22:15 More to discover
6 months ago 01:00:55 1
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