Level UP: Koopa’s Maze Mayhem

Koopa has 7 lives to clear this deadly maze! But will it be enough to find a way out? ❤ Subscribe to never miss new Mario videos! ❤Help support Level UP on Patreon? :) ❤Follow me on Twitter: Mail me stuff ✉️ at: Level UP PO Box 4390 Rome, NY 13442 USA ***EASTER EGG HUNT*** Easter eggs are back!!! Dry bones is watching Koopa from afar. Can you find all 3 Dry bones hiding spots? 🔍 ►Become a Channel Member today! COPPA COMPLIANCE - There are NO ABCs, sing alongs, child education content or ANY kids only content on Level UP. All content here is rated E for everyone, my content is for people of all ages to enjoy. Characters and Music by Nintendo/HeatleyBros/TheLegendOfRenegade Yoshi’s Island underground remix by TheLegendOfRenegade: 8 Bit summer (outro theme) by HeatleyBros: #LevelUP #SuperMarioBros
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