CSU Peregrine Falcon Cam Australia ~ Wingercising Away!
The babies are 42 and 40 days old now - so close to fledging - I thought we would see a fledge or an accidental fledge. Lots of fun, wing flapping and hopping around and running with food. Lately they are standing on the ledge looking out the nest box anticipating the world. Thanks for watching!
Video captured and edited by Lady Hawk
Courtesy of Courtesy of Charles Strut University NSW-CSU Orange Campus Australia.
8 years ago 00:05:02 43
CSU Peregrine Falcons Australia ~ Female Chick Kicks Intruder Out of Nest Box
8 years ago 00:01:39 5
Mell on a golden Oz morning Peregrine Falcon, CSU, NSW
8 years ago 00:05:08 3
CSU Peregrine Falcon Cam Australia ~ Wingercising Away!