Bifrost The Rainbow Bridge of Norse Mythology

### Bifrost: The Rainbow Bridge of Norse Mythology In the rich tapestry of Norse mythology, few images are as iconic and evocative as Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge that connects the realm of the gods, Asgard, to the mortal realm of Midgard. Spanning the gap between the divine and the mundane, Bifrost holds a central place in Norse cosmology, symbolizing the interconnection of worlds and the passage between them. This article explores the origins, symbolism, and cultural significance of Bifrost, shedding light on its role in Norse mythology and its enduring legacy. Bifrost, also known as the “Bridge of the Gods,“ is described in the Poetic Edda, a collection of Old Norse poems compiled in the 13th century. According to myth, Bifrost is a shimmering, rainbow-colored bridge that arcs across the heavens, connecting Asgard, the realm of the Aesir gods, to Midgard, the world of humanity. It is said to be guarded by the god Heimdall, who stands watch at the bridge’s end to prevent the passa
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