Capoeira Perth Classes - This is Capoeira CDO Perth
Российский центр Капоэйры Cordao de Ouro
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По всем вопросам, в том числе детских тренировок тел. 8 911 291 76 42
Capoeira Perth Classes - This is Capoeira CDO Perth
Capoeira is a holistic, fun and positivity activity. Through Capoeira you can get fit, learn to fight, sing, dance, play instruments and the language and culture of Brazil, make great friends and become a part of a strong and tight community.
Capoeira CDO Perth is a very welcoming school that provides a place for people to do all that and live in a more positive and healthy way!
Capoeira CDO Perth has capoeira classes in Perth for adults, teens, and kid
9 years ago 00:02:07 75
Capoeira Perth Classes - This is Capoeira CDO Perth