SUN DESCENDS ALONE - Ardent Hearts (Official Video)

Music, arrangements and lyrics written by J.L. Trébol. SUN DESCENDS ALONE: J. L. Trébol: Lead and backing vocals, lead and rhythm electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and programming. Guest musician: Carlos Álvarez (Elderane), piano. Recorded mixed and mastered by Juan Nieva at Nieva studios (Madrid). ARDENT HEARTS Believe it or not, I´m one of those who dare to hope You´re one of a kind, on fallen leaves kiss me goodnight We´re lost in this game, and no one seems to care But loving you was such a waste You cut the red thread, and no one seems to care The highs and the ...lows, and broken promises, what for? This brightness so dark, my Cinderella tears me apart Entwined in despair Save me once again, and if you jump I´ll be your net No more fairytales Please save me once again Will you hold me? Will I ever see the light? Once you kissed me, then you killed me But you´ll never see me cry Both mesmerised and broken spirits Grab my neck and hold me tight Cause life is fatiguing, but keep dreaming Dear, you know how hard I try Once pristine, yet let a scar Now far apart, cast into pain Our ardent hearts, the ones to blame And the rain will come again Our ardent hearts, the ones to blame ✅ Segui il Calice Nero su Facebook: ✅ Segui il Calice Nero su Twitch: ✅Instagram: ✅Gruppo discussione telegram: #-1531062806 ✅Gruppo telegram: #-1785153298 ✅Abbonati a questo canale per accedere ai vantaggi: ✅I nostri progetti: 🔘Arte Degenerata Zine : 🔘Arte Degenerata Distro: 🔘Libere Comunità: 🔘Vault Lab: 🔘Endless Fire Clothing: http:/ 🔘Jumpscare: 🔘L’Arte Produce - Record Label: ✅Ringraziamo gli abbonati: Fransce Kali Giampa L. ✅ Partners: 🔘 Black Metal Ist Krieg 🔘My Kingdom Music 🔘 Askio Production 🔘 Forbidden Music Distro 🔘 Deviant Records 🔘 Paragon Records 🔘 Nigredo Records 🔘 Maculata Records 🔘 Art Gates Records 🔘 War Production 🔘 Clobber Records 🔘 Dark Hidden Prod. 🔘 Brucia Records 🔘 Hellbones Records 🔘 Ira Aeterna Productions 🔘The Triad Rec 🔴 Se vuoi supportare il canale, puoi farlo in tanti modi! - Iscrivendoti e condividendo i nostri video! - Acquistando il nostro merch (basta contattarci alla Mail) - Donando tramite paypal all’indirizzo: -Donando tramite streamlab: - Abbonati a questo canale per accedere ai vantaggi: 🔴 Intro Music by Noktvrnal 🔴 Video e Countdown by No Copyright Anarchist Collective (CANC) 🔴 Il Calice Nero è un progetto senza scopo di lucro, solo supporto verso l’arte in maniera gratuita. Siamo aperti a qualunque tipologia di progetto, per proporsi in video o audio intervista contattare: @ oppure @ 🔴 E’ inutile dirlo, ma il canale non supporta alcun tipo di ideologia totalitarista, suprematista e discriminatoria, a prescindere dallo schieramento e dai simboli utilizzati, noi supportiamo l’arte a trecentosessanta gradi, , se non vi piace, andatevene a fare in culo voi e la politica, con affetto ... il calice nero
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