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Today we’re talking about how your phone changes your brain AND body.
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TikTok: @AsapSCIENCE
Written by: Gregory Brown & Tharsan Kana
Animations by: Max Simmons
Edited by: Luka Šarlija
Resources / Further reading:
#:~:text=Results revealed that increased phubbing,both positive and negative affect.
#:~:text=In lab experiments, high exposure,,” says O’Hagan.
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Allred, R. J., & Atkin, D. (2020). Cell Phone Addiction, Anxiety, and Willingness to Communicate in Face-to-Face Encounters. Https://, 33(3), 95–106.
Bartel, K., Scheeren, R., & Gradisar, M. (2018). Altering Adolescents’ Pre-Bedtime Phone Use to Achieve Better Sleep Health. Https://, 34(4), 456–462.
Brennan, R., Jan, J. E., & Lyons, C. J. (2006). Light, dark, and melatonin: emerging evidence for the importance of melatonin in ocular physiology. Eye 2007 21:7, 21(7), 901–908.
Deloitte Insights. (2021). How the Pandemic has Stress-Tested the Crowded Digital Home.
Eide, T. A., Aarestad, S. H., Andreassen, C. S., Bilder, R. M., & Pallesen, S. (2018). Smartphone restriction and its effect on subjective withdrawal related scores. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(AUG).
Griffiths, M. (2009). A ‘components’ model of addiction within a biopsychosocial framework. Http://, 10(4), 191–197.
Inal, E. E., Demirci, kadir, Çetintürk, A., Akgönül, M., & Savaş, S. (2015). Effects of smartphone overuse on hand function, pinch strength, and the median nerve. Muscle & Nerve, 52(2), 183–188.
Joshi, S. C., Woodward, J., & Woltering, S. (2022). Nighttime cell phone use and sleep quality in young adults. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 20(1), 97–106.
Schmuck, D. (2020). Does Digital Detox Work? Exploring the Role of Digital Detox Applications for Problematic Smartphone Use and Well-Being of Young Adults Using Multigroup Analysis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 23(8), 526–532.
Woo, E. H. C., White, P., & Lai, C. W. K. (2017). Effects of electronic device overuse by university students in relation to clinical status and anatomical variations of the median nerve and transverse carpal ligament. Muscle & Nerve, 56(5), 873–880.Show more