Warning Dmt Music (TAKE A 10 MIN DIVE FOR DEEPEST MEDITATIVE STATE!) Powerful Brainwave Meditation

Warning: Dmt Music (TAKE A 10 MIN DIVE FOR DEEPEST MEDITATIVE STATE!) Powerful Brainwave Meditation By Sonic Elevator Powerful Brainwave Meditations to enter the most profound states of meditation, sub delta waves deep. Sonic elevator fans have been asking for more original designs and potent vibes that the powerful binaural beats & isochronic tones warning the DMT series offer when I get it right. The Music I CREATED called “MIRRORS OF THE DEEP“ for this ongoing series is always designed to be somewhat out of this world and always an original new design that I take great care in creating!... Not just a powerful binaural beats meditation but a powerful original created powerful brainwave meditation you deserve. This meditation music is deep and very atmospheric by design with powerful dynamic dive, so take it deep for at least 10 min and go deeper from there. Sonic elevator music is unique because it is created in-house by me over many years of exploration and sound designing and mus
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