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With wild enthusiasm Cairo acclaims youthful monarch after romantic marriage.
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EGYPT: Cairo: Zulfikar:
Gen. view of Cairo. Gen. view, travel shot, gen. view & semi view of crowds in streets. Gen. view &CU train camera. Front & back views airplane float. Semi view decorated tramcar. Pan of telephone float. Semi view & long view band marching towards..& into Koubbeh Palace. Pan of Koubbeh Palace and grounds. CU still of King Farouk. CU still of Queen Farida. Gen. view crowds in streets. Semi view Egyptian officials leaving with presents of sweetmeats. Long & semi view shot of Farouk standing on top of steps. Semi view car arrives with Farida. CU Farida out of car. Long view & CU Farouk & salute. Long view couple up steps. Semi view & CU Farouk & Farida top of steps. Gen. view brides hous