Cricket rematch at Manchaster (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The rematch of the 2nd Test match between Manchester and the West Indies ends in a draw Full Description: ENGLAND: Greater Manchester: Manchester: EXT CRICKET 2nd Test at Mancshester against the West Indies abandoned owing to Rain, Thunder, & people run to pavillion - Hutton & Fagg Continued, Paynter, Hammond, Drawn HAMMOND, Wally Batting in Test v. West Indies at M’chester MANCHESTER 2nd Test against the West Indies - Rain, Thunder people run to Pavillion, Hutton & Fagg Cont:, Paynter, Hammond, Dawn. Sport; Arthur Fagg, Leonard Hutton, Edward Paynter, cricketer, cricketers, sports, athlete, athletes, athletics, competition, competitions, sporting event, sporting events Background: The rematch of the 2nd Test match between Manchester and the West Indies ends in a draw FILM ID: VLVA68SSO7LDLLLF98W1JYX29WAP To license this film, visit
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