FRANCE: Ridgeway succeeds Eisenhower as NATO Supreme Commander (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Ridgeway takes over as Supreme Commander from General Eisenhower Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: General Ridgeway Takes Over FRANCE: Paris: Various: EXT EISENHOWER . With Montgomery at Orly Airport Paris as he greets Gen Ridgway to take over Supreme Command Europe.. shots MONTGOMERY FIELD MARSHAL LORD. With Eisenhower greets Gen Ridgway to Supreme Command of Europe as he lands in Paris.. shots etc.. Monty with Ridgway’s small son PARIS. Gen Ridgeway lands to take over Supreme Command Europe. with wife and son.. met by Eisenhower & Montgomery.. lays Wreath at Arc de Triomphe RIDGEWAY GENERAL Matthew B. (U.S.) Takes over Supreme Command Europe.. lands with wife & son in Paris, met by Eisenhower & speaks. lays wreath on grave Unknown Warrior at Arc de Tri
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