GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit DUKE AT RESEARCH STATION: Prince Philip visiting Institute of Medical Research at Mill Hill, London.? Full Description: EDINBURGH. Duke of. At the Royal Institute of the Medical Research London inspects eggs being injected. EGGS The Duke of Ed. watches eggs being injected at the National institute of Med. Research London. LONDON. At the National Institute of of Ed. inspects sees eggs injected. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH. The Duke of Ed. watches eggs being injected at. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (LT Philip Mountbatten), Royalty Background: DUKE AT RESEARCH STATION: Prince Philip visiting Institute of Medical Research at Mill Hill, London. Institute specialising on influenza research. FILM ID: VLVA1FRG7MT3WWTY23LED7FADQP98 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Arc
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