POLITICS: Hugh Gaitskell addresses the British people regarding the basic petrol ban (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Minister of Fuel and Power Hugh Gaitskell speaks to the general British public on the necessity of providing food and other material rather than purchasing petrol for private cars and motorbikes Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Food Before Petrol, Says Mr. Gaitskell ENGLAND: London: Westminster: Westminster House: INT BASIC PETROL Mr Gaitskell speaking on reason for basic petrol ban Mr GAITSKELL Makes speech on reasons for continued ban on Basic petrol ration MOTORING. Mr Geitskell talking on Petrol ban (Basic) PETROL Mr Gaitskell making speech on reasons for continued ban on Basic Petrol rations Personalities - Politicians; Post War shortages, bans, ration, rationing, post-war economy, Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell, Labour Party Background: Minister of Fuel and Power Hugh Gaitskell speaks to the general Brit
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