Greek children repatriated (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit International Red Cross at border of Greece and Yugoslavia takes children back to homes in Greece Full Description: VARIOUS: EXT CHILDREN. 21 Greek children repatriated to home from Jugoslavia by Red Cross.. GREECE 21 Greek children repatriated to home from Jugoslavia after taken there by rebels,,Brought back by Red Cross RED CROSS International Red Cross repatriates 21 children of 20,000 who were taken to Yugoslavia by rebels from Greece.. Shots kids in coaches Greece; Displaced Persons Greece, Yugoslavia, bus, children Background: International Red Cross at border of Greece and Yugoslavia takes children back to homes in Greece FILM ID: VLVA89ZGN9WYSU53YQ3E9JRKX78MV To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British PathΓ©
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