रोल्स रॉयस की सबसे महंगी कार | Why Rolls Royce Car Is Expensive | Rolls Royce
रोल्स रॉयस की सबसे महंगी कार | Why Rolls Royce Car Is Expensive | Rolls Royce
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Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a British luxury automobile maker. A wholly owned subsidiary of German group BMW, it was established in 1998 after BMW was licensed the rights to the Rolls-Royce brand name and logo from Rolls-Royce plc and acquired the rights to the Spirit of Ecstasy and Rolls-Royce grill shape trademarks from Volkswagen AG. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited operates from purpose-built administrative and production facilities opened in 2003 across from the historic Goodwood Circuit in Goodwood, West Sussex,
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4 years ago 00:06:49 1
रोल्स रॉयस की सबसे महंगी कार | Why Rolls Royce Car Is Expensive | Rolls Royce