Hammer Restoration - $5 Hammer Reborn Into Something Amazing !!
In this restoration I will show you how I restored a ball peen hammer and also how I created the most beautiful handle pattern. The end result will amaze you , enjoy the video !
This hammer was found in Scotland, found with the metal detector. I bought it from the person who found it, for $ 5, with the intention of restoring it and increasing its value. After the restoration process the price of this hammer will be around $80 to $100. Now, this hammer will help me a lot in my restoration projects because I really needed the tool too.
This restoration took me almost 2 weeks to complete and I invested almost $35. Hope you will enjoy this restoration video and maybe one day you will be able to restore one, just like I did, just with the help of this restoration video. This would be an accomplishment for me.
OK! That’s all for today guys, enjoy the video and please consider subscribing if you want to see more cool restoration videos. Cheers !
#hammer restorati