Only a 3rd hardest, yet I’ve never struggled harder with finishing a level off. I had done my first completion as a fluke from 82(massive fluke) yet I goofed and now I don’t have a recording for that. It took me 2 full fucking days to rebeat this, with TWO deaths at the last click, which is genuinely insane. Like only after my first completion did I l realize how bullshit the gameplay and especially the last part are.
Now about the level itself, I really do like it. The decoration’s chill as fuck, literally, the song is beautiful, one of my favorites in the whole game, the only downside is because the gameplay, is pretty boring, but it’s not bad. But GOD is it fucking unbalanced and poorly playtested. Never struggled harded with an ending of a level in my career
Attempts: Unsure but could be 20-22k
Thumbnail by @dartlolz528 or
Level Rating: Deco: 8/10, Gameplay: 5/10, Song: 10/10
Enjoyment: First completion was 7/10, second was like 2/10 \
Worst Deaths: 88x2, 85, 83x2, 82x10, 81x2 and like 100 deaths past 48, if 48 is where list% should be.
Placement on the demonlist: N/A
Personal Placement Opinion: Easier than Deimos So 16, but it could be harder idfk.
Shoutout Taiago and Wpopoff
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