HARDEST IN FINLAND // SLAUGHTERHOUSE 100% (TOP 6 DEMON) by icedcave and more

better thumbnail later I don’t feel like writing a long paragraph about how frustrating my experience was, so I’ll keep it quite short. I didn’t think this level was possible for me. Every day was a struggle and it felt like punching my head into a brick wall until it breaks. This level is brutal and unforgiving. It feels like that the level was designed to be the most demotivating thing to play in the game. My sessions from the very beginning to the last ones were all so boring and frustrating, but I’m glad I beat this. I am done with this level and can play anything I want without thinking about having to do this. Placement opinion: 6 Attempts: 92961 Worst fail: 91% Enjoyment: 2/10 but 6/10 when consistent -- RIVER -- 50x6 51x49 52x33 53x50 54 55x5 56x26 57x13 -- LIST -- 58x4 59x2 60x25 61 63x8 64x5 65 66x3 68 72x2 75 78x2 79 80x8 81x6 82x6 83x2 86x3 87 90 91 100% YEAH!!! River deaths: 183 Iris deaths: 52 DrCuber deaths: 32 TOTAL: 267
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