Window on Britain 12 Leisure

Window on Britain 12 Leisure and Hobby Научу вас разговаривать по-английски. Вы сможете общаться с носителями языка, и они скажут, что у вас хороший уровень. Записывайтесь на пробное занятие прямо сейчас - Все части здесь British people spend their free time in a lot of different ways. They do sport, they watch sport, they visit interesting places, and they have hobbies. Have you tried any of these? What do you do in your free time? I like to watch television and listen to music a lot. But I do go on the Internet as well. I like to skateboard and rollerblade in my free time. I play rugby in my free time for Oxford Rugby Club. And I also play tennis. In my free time I usually play sport, which is usually tennis if the weather is nice or swimming. I like playing rugby. I’m a member of a rugby team. I like swimming, playing tennis an
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