***“The Divinyls“ in Concert on Long

***Early this morning, through the Internet, I learned of the passing of my one time good friend, Chrissy Amphlett after a long battle with cancer. While we weren’t close, bosom buddies, when in Australia, through Mark, I met this very special young woman. The character she portrayed in the clubs as a Divinyl was not who she was. This was a “show business“ In our eyes, she was a warm, friendly, very talented and somewhat quiet and thoughtful human being who loved life. She will be sorely missed by those who were fortunate enough to know her and love her. Our deepest condolences go out to her American husband and her Australian family and the many thousands of friends and fans who will sorely miss her and never forget this very talented woman. Rest in Peace dear Chrissy, it was our honor to have known you, and to call you “friend.“ Judge Stuart Namm (Ret)*** Well over 20 years ago as I mentioned in my South Pacific video, I met Mark McEntee, one of the principals of the then v
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