Stay! Demirina reads poetry. Останься! Стихи читает автор Демирина.

Demirina reads poetry. Stay. Feel all the scents of the night! Tobacco spills into the bosom of the grass. A violet trail where the gloom is fragile, And a tart, slightly bitter subtone of mignonette... Stay. Feel how the silk of the moonlit path along the edge of the river begs to be taken into your fingers, If only such a design could be put into your mother’s embroidery frame, So that she could embroider a miracle with a movement of her hand... Stay! And the silk of my headboard Will soar like a flock of unafraid birds, And something united by pulse and blood With sly insomnia from our eyelashes... стихи читает автор Демирина. Останься. Почувствуй все запахи ночи! Табак разливается в лоно травы. Фиалковый шлейф там, где сумрак непрочен, И терпкий, чуть горький субтон резеды... Останься. Почувствуй, как просится в пальцы Шёлк лунной дорожки по кромке
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