Οι μυστηριώδης κέλτικοι Σταυροί. Ένα «διαφορετικ&#

Vogomilon Cemetery The Celtic Crosses in the Vogomila cemetery. A “different“ cemetery, unique in Greece! In the vicinity of an old Byzantine church there is a “different“ cemetery, unique in Greece! This is the cemetery of a medieval Christian sect, the Vogomilos. According to one version, the name “Vogomilos“ was coined by a monk based on the name of their best known active preacher, the priest Vogomilos. Νεκροταφείο Βογόμιλων. Οι κέλτικοι Σταυροί στο νεκροταφείο των Βογόμιλων. Στον περίβολο μιας παλιάς βυζ^
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