[a:rpia:r] Mutabaruka - Would U

Wen I speak, do you feel weak Wen you hear my thoughts Do you feel caught in the web of hopelessness Wen I say black Do you feel it’s an attack Or a lack of understandin’ on my part Or just wrath Comin’ from me do you see, me As a tret to your safety Wen I say whitey Do you consider dat bigotry If I say I cared not about politics Would you consider me an anarchist If I say no to religion Would that be considered An extention of my misconcepton About what you think of me Do you see what I mean If I said I didn’t smoke, or take coke Would you take it for a joke And cry then wonder why I told such a lie Are you upset because my poems sometimes make you fret About the future of things to come Would you call me a brute, if I wore a suit Or said I was cute Do you think I would b
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