Cobra: Nice thriller on Redshire - World of Tanks

Cobra: Nice thriller on Redshire - World of Tanks WoT replays - best World of Tanks games The Cobra is a British tier 9 premium medium tank. The Cobra is not part of the British medium tank line. #WorldofTanks #Gaming #WOT A project for a medium tank with an oscillating turret, developed in 1954 by the officers in the 7th year of study of the Technical Personnel faculty of the Royal Military College of Science (Shrivenham, U.K.). Existed in blueprints and in one prototype. Battle Stats: Gaydir [-FRM-] Cobra Map Redshire Damage: 9243 Frags: 13 Blocked damage: 2420 Assist damage: - Medals: 13 Master, Bruiser, Hand of God, Arsonist, Duelist, Fire for Effect, Shellproof, Kolobanov´s, Fadins, Pool´s, Steel Wall, High Caliber, Warrior, Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net World of Tanks If You want to send me your replay please use this email (hlpwotreplays-at-gmail-com) I consider only replays wit
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