F39: Programmer’s Philosophy | GitHub | Linus Torvalds | Matt Garman | Fred Brooks | TDD | DTO | AI

Programmer’s Philosophy in Q&A Format (Every Friday at 18:00 UTC 3) Blog: Books: GitHub: (don’t hesitate to follow in order to stay informed) Telegram channel with recent news and updates: (subscribe to not miss a thing) Twitter with daily and weekly updates: (follow me!) iTunes: SoundCloud: Yandex Music podcast by yegor256: VK Video: 00:00 Sound check | Greetings 1:48 What is your philosophy? 4:10 How do you see frontend development evolving? 7:37 Google said AI on 25th second of their keynote presentation. Which second Apple will say AI? 8:25 Can you explain more details about main bus conception in microservice architecture? 11:36 Have you ever had a dream to create your own billion-dollar startup? 15:50 Nice comment that my philosophy is the philosophy of the work. 19:50 What do you think about TDD, test-driven development? 23:50 What should I do? A career in a bank or a large corporation? 26:26 Which country seems more bright for software people, Russia or China? 28:12 What about message DTO objects, which are just objects to be passed between layers? 30:51 AWS CEO Matt Garman thinks that in a few years, most developers will stop writing code due to AI, focusing more on innovation and customer needs instead. What do you think about this? 36:31 Tell us how to build relationships with women after 40 when there isn’t enough time. 39:44 Are there many gopniks in Russia? 40:13 I faced a problem and made a tool on GitHub. Is it worth speaking at the conference or making a patent? 42:44 Have you tried inviting Linus Torvalds for an interview? 43:13 What do you think about polygamy? 48:36 You have a lot of contributions on GitHub. How are you able to do that? 50:05 I’m simultaneously a Technical Lead, a Team Leader, and an Architect. How can I be effective in all these roles at the same time? 51:53 If I become one of the top 1,000 coders on Codeforces in the Russian region, would you hire me? 54:15 I’m thinking about infrastructure specialists such as network engineers. Do we still need them or will AI replace them? 56:09 Do you have any suggestions for self-learners? 57:31 Will low-level programming be in demand in the future? What percentage of programmers will program using prompts? 59:38 Have you read or heard about the book “The Mythical Man-Month“ by Fred Brooks? How many developers is too many?
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