семинар:HEMA Celje 2013 Reportage - Regia Turris

An overview of two days of HEMA workshops in Celje. Instructors: Arto Fama, Zwaard en Steen (Longsword) Martin Fabian, Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok (Longsword, Messer) Daniel Jaquet, Gebennensis Artium Gladiatorium Schola - GAGS (Armoured combat) Ingulf Kohlweiss, Indes (Longsword) Alvaro Lareo, Sala de armas Fenix (Biomechanics, Physical Fitness) Gregor Medvešek, Schola pugnatoria Celeiana -- Celjska borilna šola (Ringen) Gregor Rozman, Academia artis dimicatoriae (Sword & Buckler) Matija Tomc, Academi
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