Alatreon Heavy Bowgun Solo 2’05’’ | MHW Iceborne

I never thought i’ll run this but needed that bit of a challenge kick again. My goal was just 2’30’’ but happened to keep going and got an average run even though I messed up the sub 2. Forgot to restock Powder & Seed due to previous completion and on the flamethrower move I thought its the fire ball so I unnecessary dodged it. I trying to redo it but no luck. Inspired by Hunter, one of the Legendary bilibili Shadowlords and best Players in the World: ► Patreon: ► Discord: ► Twitch: ► Twitter: I Optimize my Builds with the Honey Hunter Builder: ► Music used in this video: BGMScarlet Eyes OgreBGM LOVE YA ALL #CatGang #Heavy_Bowgun #Iceborne
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