
Well since a lot of time passed and a bluray edition of the movie was released in Japan, I reuploaded this scene in his HD glory. A couple of notes about this scene: - remember that Chiyoko life, career and Japan history are all intertwined - you can see Chiyoko running as the Japan progress through history (like an arrow) - but history is circular. A lot of this is hinted through the scene and through the movie as well: Chiyoko costantly getting closer to her lover and losing him again At the same time history can be seen as a cicle as well In this scene you can find a recurring clos...e up of a wheel The ghost woman that Chiyoko meet is using a spindle wheel In the OST of Susumu Hirasawa you can find track titles like “Circle in Circle“ and “Rotation“ The music playing in this scene (“Run“) has a circular structure
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