Starship SN10 landing and explosion slowmotion

Join the Starship film community on discord Catch our new series The Road to Mars: Sci-fi becoming reality. High-speed cameras were rolling for SpaceX Starship SN10 and the historic first starship landing! Huge thank you to our supporters on Patreon! Join to unlock full-res Starship image downloads, be part of our behind-the-scenes discussions on discord, and support our film and space outreach work: Cameras continued rolling through the 9 minutes or so after landing into the ground explosion. Additional remote camera views including interviews and what it was like to experience this historic moment from Isla Blanca park coming soon. Contact to license this footage: Help archive incredible moments in spaceflight for future generations and own an original piece of cinema and photography art by Cosmic Perspective. Your support fuels our work. Thank you so much for making this possible. Prints available: Original one-of-a-kind NFTs to own and help us archive for humanity: @cosmicperspective Big thanks to the team @EverydayAstronaut and @spadrevideo .com Watch slow-motion from SpaceX Starship SN9 Join our channel to support these films: Learn more about our films and photography at Follow on Twitter: #Starship #SN10 #SpaceX Many thanks to our Patreon supporters for making this work possible. Special shout-out to: @EverydayAstronaut Max Hoat Peder Halseide Simon Pilkington Héctor Ramos Nick Jakubik Bill (The Roadie) Carton Branko Petek Cameron Jones Christophe Jamoye DJ Denton Joris Robijn Karen Cuiskelly Mike Turney Peter Pavlovič Randall Randall Robert Bouchoux Simon Pilkington
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