TMNT ’03 Agent Bishop- Immortals

Agent Bishop is the most epic, kick-butt anti-hero ever! XD He’s a secret agent who eventually becomes the president of the entire freakin’ world. He will do ANYTHING to reach his one goal: protect Earth... by recreating the human race. And he uses his sung glasses and tie as weapons! XD Haha, I love Bishop. After the turtles, he’s my favorite character. (Though the Dark Turtles are pretty close... ;D) I’m so excited to be able to post a video on him!!! XD XP This song definitely fits Agent Bishop. He NEVER dies. Seriously. He’s like 200 years old (300 in Fast Forward) and even gets stabbed by a hook. O_O Dedicated to the United States military. Thank you for your service! (Just please don’t make a genetically modified army of super humans.) XD XP I don’t own TMNT nor the song. DX I make no money from this. ;( I made this purely out of love for TMNT and Agent Bishop. XD (Song: Immortals by Fall Out Boy)
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