NIST FOIA 09-42: R30 -- 42A0354 - G30D8 (WTC2 Smoke Cloud, 9:03am/Aftermath of 9/11)

07:55 - Second impact obscured by North Tower. Plane approach missed but engine noise is audible. 15:02 - South Tower (WTC 2) collapse mostly missed. Only a glimpse of the expelled smoke and dust at its west face was captured. 17:03 - Collapse of the North Tower (WTC 1) apparently not taped. Northwest view (elevated). 41 River Terrace (Tribeca Pointe) Videographer: Greg Silberman Videographer named on the NIST WTC repository website: Materials/Original Video from Tapes/General Investigation Collection/ MPEG-2 video decompressed & deinterlaced, resolution upscaled and clarity increased. Contrast, gamma, color saturation and audio adjusted. No or very low volume detected at the right audio channel, unlike the Cumulus clips. The audio was enhanced to pseudo-stereo by splitting the left channel in two mono channels and adding simulated stereo chorus to both. NIST FOIA 09-42 Release #30 Folder: 42A0354 - G30D8 File: DVD Video (“Silberman, Greg - 9/11 and Later“ Tape) Source:
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