Συρία 25 12 2018 Η Τουρκία γελοιοποιείται στο Μανμπίτζ εξαιτίας του Ερντογάν

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – DEC. 25, 2018: YPG PREPARES FOR BATTLE AGAINST TURKISH FORCES IN MANBIJ On December 25, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces continued their low-intensity effort to defeat ISIS in the Hajin pocket in eastern Syria. Clashes were reported near the settlements of Abu Hasan, Abu Khatir and Susah. Technically, the SDF had captured Hajin, but it has not secured it yet. On December 24, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released a fresh propaganda video showing the group’s efforts against ISIS in the Hajin pocket. The video shows the YPG’s “deep” involvement in anti-ISIS efforts of the US-led coalition and is aimed at showing the importance of the group in this field. It is interesting to note that with the development of the situation with the US troops withdrawal and the growing threat of a Turkish operation in northeastern Syria, the media forgery called SDF is collapsing.
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