Συρία 9 1 2019 Η Τουρκία ζητάει απο τις ΗΠΑ την παράδοση των 16 βάσεών τους στη Συρία

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – JAN. 9, 2019: TURKEY WANTS US MILITARY BASES IN NORTHERN SYRIA Ankara has asked the US to hand over 16 of its military bases in northern Syria to Turkey or to local authorities in the region after the U.S. withdraws, presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said on January 8 after discussions with U.S. officials. “We are pleased with Trump’s decision for withdrawal [from Syria], but it needs to be clarified as to what kind of structure will be left behind, what will happen to the heavy weapons that have been deployed, the fate of American military bases and logistics centers. In this meeting we discussed these in detail,” Kalın stressed.
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