Dragonflight Marksmanship Hunter M+ Guide

I stream mythic raiding, M , and PvP! Come hang out, ask questions, or lurk.. Talent Import String: B4PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4ARoFASCCCAAAAQE5ARSSigIRSLkGREFpoJkIhESoBAAAAA Macros: Volley&Salvo: /use Salvo /use [@cursor] Volley Trueshot: /use Trueshot /use Horn of Valor /use Aimed Shot Sim Yourself: 0:00 Intro 0:55 Talents 3:10 Gearing 4:38 Filler Rotation 9:05 CD Rotations 12:56 Single Target Rotation 14:21 CD Timing, When to use 15:28 Macros 16:51 Tips n Tricks 18:19 Ending #dragonflight #hunter #worldofwarcraft
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