Supplicating Activity Mantras and 21 Taras Mantras: as Taught by Longchenpa and Padmasambhava

Why are supplication mantras, such as the activity mantras of the 21 Taras more effective for problems than general praise mantras? How do we actually make a specific supplication to a Buddha or our Yidam or Guru?  We’ll explain how supplication mantras work, and why. We’ll demonstrate with teachings from the great Longchenpa and Guru Rinpoche, and using the example of the 21 activity mantras of the 21 Taras. Supplication Mantras, also known as Intention-Setting Mantras are Mantras exhorting or asking earnestly for powerful help from Enlightened Buddhas. They are among the most important practices in Vajrayana and Mahayana. Supplication Mantras almost always begin with a praise mantra, to honor and invoke the Enlightened Buddha, but then supplicate an activity or outcome.  Here, we’ll explore the very popular 21 Taras mantras from the Lord Atisha lineage, and break down why and how they are supplication mantras, and what they actually ask for as an “activity“ from, in this case, Glorious Mother Tara. Quoting from the great Longchenpa: “After the Om Hum and name of the Guru or Yidam you add the supplications: For the activity of pacifying you add SHANTIM KU RU YE SVAHA For enriching you add: PUSHTIM KURU YE SVAHA For magnetizing you add: VASHAM KURU YE SVAHA For destroying you add: MARA YA PHAT. For example, for the yidam guru Padmasambhava, for enriching you would say: OM VAJRA GURU PADMASAMBHAVA AH HUM KARMA PUSTIM KURU YE SVAHA.“  The same suffixes or supplications apply in the case of Yidam practice. You don’t need the “Ah Hum“ after the name in this case, since you are using the Yidam’s existing mantra and Om already praises the Body, Speech and Mind of the Yidam. Great Longchenpa also instructed on how to work with each activity intention. This also applies neatly to 21 Taras practices, which includes several White Taras for Pacifying, Yellow Taras for Enriching, Red Taras for Magnetizing and Black Taras for Destroying the obstacles. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FOR DETAIL, BUT FOR CLARITY HERE ARE THE 21 MANTRAS DISCUSSED AND EXPLAINED In the Atisha Lineage, the mantras of the 21 Taras, as instructed and taught by Lama Zopa Rinpoche follow Longchenpa’s supplication formula exactly FOR ALL THE MANTRAS IN A WRITTEN ARTICLE FOR REFERENCE, SEE THIS FEATURE ON BUDDHA WEEKLY (including Devanagari for the mantras): ART CREDITS: Lasha Mutual (for her superb 21 Taras series:) #21Taras #21Tara #Atisha #longchenpa #sanskritmantra #buddhistmantra #supplications #supplication #intentionsetting #greentara #redtara #yellowtara #blacktara #blacktaramantra #yellowtaramantra #redtaramantra #kurukulle #marichi #ushnishavijaya
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