HITLER JEERS AT GREAT BRITAIN AS CONGRESS ENDS Concluding stage of eighth Nazi Party Con...(1937)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit 8TH Nazi party congress ends as Adolf Hitler attacks Britain and others on Bolshevikism and Spain Full Description: Nuremberg, Germany: Gen. view crowd in square saluting Semi view Adolf Hitler towards camera ( raising hand in salute) Long view Herman Goering & Paul Goebbells. CU Julius Streicher Top view & semi views troops marching. Semi view troops marching with (Nazi swastika ) banners. Gen. view troops up steps. Semi view pan arena. Germany; Personalities - Politicians; Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Background: 8TH Nazi party congress ends as Adolf Hitler attacks Britain and others on Bolshevikism and Spain FILM ID: VLVAF5KGGSHLBM31B7859AETQTXE0 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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