Dreadnought (1968)

On board the nuclear powered submarine, HMS Dreadnought we see several shots of seamen steering in the wheel house; most of the men have tattoos on their forearms. In a mess room (? - apologies for limited knowledge of submarine jargon) a rating climbs through a hatch with a jug of rum which is poured into a bucket and served out to the men. Nice M/S shows men in tiny bunks; one gets up and has a shower. In a rest room with chintzy armchairs the men drink cans of beer and watch a film show from a projector; the film shows dusky maidens in Hawaii doing a hula dance in grass skirts (I’m not convinced this is genuine submarine crew film entertainment!). Commentator talks of anti-radiation precautions as Seaman Harvey climbs through a hatch into the radiation area. Men buy cigarettes and sweets from a tiny kiosk. A man is seen putting beer cans into a special crushing machine; another tough-looking man stabs holes in bags of rubbish and sends them down a chute - the gash ejector. An officer looks thr
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