Crazy Gala (1960)

M/S of a diving board by an outdoor swimming pool at Butlin’s Holiday Camp in Clacton, Essex; some men in shorts and trunks run up the steps either side of the board while a large crowd in swimwear and summer clothes watches. One of the men wears an old-fashioned swimsuit and a knotted hanky. The first man dives into the pool, then reversal footage as he flies back up to the board and they all appear to run back down the steps. C/U of two ankles being tied together for a three-legged swimming race; the foot on the right has horrible, dirty, scraggy toenails - yeuch! M/Ss showing girls and boys getting ready for the race, as two more couples come walking through the crowd and stand on the edge of the pool. They all jump in and swim along, some have one arm around their partners. C/U of an old man with knotted hanky on head watching; M/S at pool-edge level as two couples swim towards us; M/S of two men in the crowd shouting encouragement. High angle C/U of the winners reaching the end of the pool.
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